Goodwin Memorial Baptist Church
“A Church Blessed To Be A Blessing”
90 Years: 1929 – 2019
The Goodwin Memorial Baptist church was organized as the UNION BAPTIST CHURCH on April 19, 1929 by a small group of Christians who had separated themselves from the Mt. Olive Baptist Church. The first church services were held in the home of Bro. and Sis. Henry Jackson at 633 Broad Street.
The CHARTER MEMBERS were: Bro. and Sis. Willie Allen, Sis. Nora Ellis,
Bro. and Sis. Thomas Gardener, Bro. and Sis. James Grier, Sis. Pearl Grier,
Sis. Ella Hunter, Sis. Hennie Jackson, Bro. and Sis. Henry Jackson,
Sis. Maggie Kennedy, Bro.and Sis. Joshua Middleton, Bro. and Sis Tom Thomas,
Sis. Alice Walker, Bro. John Williams, Bro. and Sis James Young
The following Pastors served faithfully through the years: