Deaconess Ministry
President: Deaconess Bonita Moore
Vice President: Deaconess Doris Spriggs
Our Purpose:
The Deaconess Ministry joins with the Pastor and the Deacons in serving the Congregation with spiritual love, care and leadership.
How we serve GMBC and the Lord:
We serve the congregation trough counseling; encouraging Spiritual Education and prayer; supporting and strengthening family life; and extending aid to those in need.
What you can expect from the ministry:
You can expect the Deaconess to support our congregation by growing stronger in discipleship, reaching out to everyone in love, communicating the positive power of Christ, by finding needs and trying to meet them; trying to help solve problems and hurts.
What we expect from you:
The Deaconess would like the Congregation to realize they can approach us at any time if there is a need.
How does the ministry incorporate God’s Word:
The Deaconess attend Bible Study, Sunday School and have monthly biblical discussion, along with personal devotions and studying The Holy Word
When we meet:
The Deaconess meet the first Monday,
after the First Sunday at 7 p.m.