Youth, Teen & Young Adult Ushers Ministry
President: Jalyn Carter
Vice President: Minister Joyce Prater
Our Purpose:
The Youth and Teens serve as the young doorkeepers in the House of the Lord on second Sundays. On 5th Sundays the Adult Ushers are on the door.
How we serve GMBC and the Lord:
By always being ready to serve God’s people.
Who should join:
Any youth over 6 years old.
What you can expect from the ministry:
To serve God well.
What we expect from you:
To serve God and His people with a smile.
How does the ministry incorporate God’s Word:
Psalm 84:10 — 10 For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than live in the tents of wickedness.
When we meet:
Every 2nd Saturday of the month